Species on the Reserve

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When Carlos López González first stumbled upon the area that is today the Northern Jaguar Reserve, he knew immediately that the wildlife value was exceptional.

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Published field guides offer somewhat nebulous information about which bird species may be found on the Northern Jaguar Reserve. It is so remote that it is today one of the least known areas of northern Mexico.

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Amphibians & Reptiles

As with most species found along the Río Aros and its tributaries, amphibians and reptiles have been little studied. The diverse array of natural environments awaits more detailed exploration.

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Invertebrates comprise more than 95 percent of all known animal species on the planet, which means that legions of individual arthropods and scores of related species are walking, flying, and swimming across the Northern Jaguar Reserve each day.

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While attempts to remove invasive and exotic species from the Northern Jaguar Reserve will be a central component of our restoration campaign, NJP has a parallel interest in learning more about the native vegetation that has taken root on this land.