October 8, 2021
The Land is Fresh and Renewed
After experiencing more than a year of severe drought that caused losses of cattle, crops, and livelihood, we are delighted to report that a generous monsoon began in mid-summer.

April 6, 2021
The Newest and Youngest Jaguar Cub
The first image of the female jaguar Libélula on the Northern Jaguar Reserve was in 2012.

December 11, 2020
Borderland Jaguars are an Antidote
Thank you for making our work possible. Your support has made NJP what it is today. We are primarily funded by individual donations, and your contributions are essential to protect jaguars and this dazzling habitat.

December 1, 2020
Show Your Love for the Jaguar Today
Our research coordinator Carmina Gutiérrez asks: “Are you sitting down?” She has said this enough over the years that we already know there is something new and exciting on the Northern Jaguar Reserve’s motion-triggered cameras.

October 16, 2020
Support NJP with Handcrafted Jewelry
We are happy to announce that thanks to a new partnership with Heliotrope, 15% of sales site-wide will be donated to the Northern Jaguar Project through this weekend.

October 16, 2020
Building a Stronghold for Jaguars Together
So far this year, we have photographed 10 different individuals on the Northern Jaguar Reserve and neighboring Viviendo con Felinos ranches. A few of these are new jaguars.

April 7, 2020
A Ray of Sunshine on AZ Gives Day
We believe wilderness and wild places can be a balm right now.

November 12, 2019
Expanding the Northern Jaguar Reserve
Help us expand the reserve and provide a home for young jaguars.

June 11, 2019
Meet the Eco-Guardians
Youth are learning about jaguars and sharing their enthusiasm with the community.

April 2, 2019
Save the Jaguar on AZ Gives Day
“I feel my heart expanding,” words overheard on the Northern Jaguar Reserve.

December 31, 2018
A Great Year for NJP
What a spectacular year this has been for the Northern Jaguar Project.

November 29, 2018
Inaugural International Jaguar Day
There’s a new female roaming a ranch that is a haven for mother jaguars and cubs.

November 27, 2018
Support the Jaguar on Giving Tuesday
We have signed protective agreements with ranchers across 76,145 acres.

September 23, 2018
Announcing Jaguar-Arte in Tucson
Fiesta and silent auction to celebrate and support jaguar conservation in Sonora.

September 22, 2018
An Otter Caught on Camera
This is our first motion-triggered photo of a Neotropical river otter.

September 21, 2018
Elvis Turns Five
This photo is the first image of “Elvis,” taken five years ago today.

May 18, 2018
Rare Jaguar Mating Video
Four years ago, we retrieved a video we thought was one-in-a-million.

April 21, 2018
My Time on the Reserve
An intern’s life-changing experience on the Northern Jaguar Reserve.

April 3, 2018
Four Reasons to Support NJP
We have photographed 10 jaguars since this time last year.

December 28, 2017
A Year of Accomplishments
Every donation we receive protects these rare, beautiful creatures.

November 10, 2017
Laqui’s Lens on the Reserve
Our jaguar guardian provides a glimpse of life in the field.

August 18, 2017
Eco-Guardians Learn Camera Monitoring
Young Eco-guardians are getting out in nature to enjoy animal sightings.

May 31, 2017
Un-Fragmenting / Des-Fragmentando
Binational events reunite culture and ecology in the borderlands.

May 15, 2017
Laqui’s Lens on the Reserve
Our jaguar guardian provides a glimpse of life in the field.

April 4, 2017
This is the Jaguar’s Moment
News of a new jaguar in Arizona has captured our hearts and minds.

December 30, 2016
Meet Our Field Team
Making a difference in the communities and habitats where jaguars live.

November 29, 2016
A Jaguar Cub on Camera
Each donation we receive helps create a refuge for mother jaguars and their cubs.

May 26, 2016
Float the Río Aros
Be among the few to experience this dramatic, breathtaking landscape firsthand.

April 5, 2016
The Return of Elvis
Help our Viviendo con Felinos project create an expanded safe zone for jaguars.

April 7, 2015
An Exciting Year to Support the Jaguar
Contribute to land purchase and reserve guardianship on Arizona Gives Day.

December 31, 2014
Big Projects for 2015
Expanding the reserve and building our Viviendo con Felinos project.

October 3, 2013
Breathtaking Images from the Reserve
Enjoy this view of the reserve after the summer rains…

August 20, 2013
Tigres del Desierto: Art Raffle to Benefit NJP
Original painting based on the Northern Jaguar Reserve…

June 5, 2013
Catch El Inmenso on the Discovery Channel
Northern Jaguar Reserve featured in new Discovery series, North America…

May 15, 2013
My Time on the Reserve: Stéphane Menu
Read about 2013 NJP Intern, Stéphane Menu’s experience on the Northern Jaguar Reserve.

December 11, 2012
The Best Photos of 2012
A look at the best wildlife photos on the reserve in 2012…

December 28, 2011
The Jaguars of 2011
A look at the 11 jaguars on the reserve and ranches this year…

March 29, 2011
Priority Lands Along Río Aros Added to Reserve
Together with Naturalia, we purchased Rancho El Carricito…

January 24, 2011
Vote for NJP with Disney’s Friends for Change
NJP’s Growing the Jaguar Garden program has been selected for funding through Disney’s Friends for Change: Project Green…

January 23, 2011
Jaguar-themed Drawing Contest Selections
Creativity and imagination infuse regional drawing contest…

June 28, 2010
Disney & NJP’s Feline Photo Project
Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund supports NJP and conservation efforts around the world…

October 21, 2009
Celebrating Service to Conservation
Diego Ezrré honored as 2009 Disney Conservation Hero…

December 5, 2008
A Year of Accomplishment
While the economy in the U.S. has turned topsy-turvy, a small population of jaguars remains in need of protection in Sonora…

September 25, 2008
Defenders Recognizes NJP President
Defenders of Wildlife gives NJP president the Spirit of Defenders Award for Citizen Advocacy…

September 15, 2008
Road & Research
The Northern Jaguar Reserve is going to need to borrow a bulldozer for repairs…

September 10, 2008
Stewardship Fund Launched
We’re excited to announce the launch of our Stewardship and Long-term Management Fund…

July 15, 2008
Babisal el Mojado
When Aaron and Moez went to the Northern Jaguar Reserve to look for birds, they found an extremely affectionate domesticated cat…

July 14, 2008
Bird Survey Locates 92 Species
Our ornithologist friends Aaron Flesch and Moez Ali managed a very successful survey trip to the reserve this Summer…

June 13, 2008
Bat Findings & Other Surprises
Expedition to the reserve sets sights on locating bats…

February 11, 2008
Jaguar Reserve Established
Jaguars in northern Mexico have a newly protected home today thanks to the official establishment of the Northern Jaguar Reserve…